Que tal ter uns prendedores estilosos para decorar sua casa??? Então eu já estou a esperar anciosa por minhas washi tapes, que vão vir lá dos USA,comprei na CuteTape (quando chegarem coloco fotos).
Eles são bem fáceis de se fazer, basta seguir este tutorial:
(em ingles, mas autoexplicativo)
You will need:
- plain wooden clothespegs
- washi tape in various patterns (I got mine from Pretty Tape)
- strong magnets (I got mine from Crafty Dragonfly)
- superglue
- scissors
- sandpaper
1. Stick a piece of tape along the top of the peg.
2. Gently sand along the edges.
3. You will then be able to peel off the excess tape and be left with a nice neat finish.
4. Glue on the magnets with superglue. (You’ll notice I used two
magnets but I think that was overkill as the magnets are extremely
strong so I’d suggest using only one.)
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